Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reconnaisance Mission

A brief action council meeting at the beginning of the Yamana weighed the appropriate action for this current time sequence. ubermarklar Had intended to arrange an UAV sortie at the usually abandoned Competition Zone. magpie Brought it to his attention that meteorological conditions were less than adequate. Atmospheric velocity was beyond danger level for an operation of the type of UAV intended. magpie Then suggested a reconnaissance mission. All recon missions within the Circle State are worth the time and effort, despite the fact that many are dangerous and unpredictable. Thus, with no prescribed coordinates, the HPC was activated and directed along a generally Southerly route.

The first major feature encountered was the Mid-Suji Hydrological Project. The HPC skirted the edge, stopping once for a full visual survey at the highest point. It was decided that the Yamana may be in danger of hydrological disaster if the Dreaded Jishin ever appeared in force, and an on-the-spot policy decision was made to evacuate to higher elevations if ever such an eventuality occurred, since the Mid-Suji Project would have dire results if it were structurally compromised. The HPC was then directed to the upper reaches of the Mid-Suji Project and brought to a halt on the edge of a precipice. ubermarklar And magpie Set out on foot up a steep incline. During this ground mission, they discussed the prevailing memes of the Over State (of which magpie Is an enlightened dismember) and added to the policy database. This database is consistently used and upgraded in the ongoing battle, globewide and chiefless, to extricate and eradicate the entrenched psychostructure of the Over State.

The second major feature was the Clearing, visible from space, yet with unavailable coordinates. ubermarklar And magpie Arrived here as part of the probability sequence, since no coordinates were logged on the reconnaisance mission, thus making available things that could only be found if they weren't being looked for. Here, with a new perspective of the Yamana, the Competition Zone and beyond, the mission reached its apex.

With fresh perspectives on how to fight against Over State's war of tourism, the lies of Paulality, a decision to move operations to Babel State (the puppeteer's maze) for a brief interlude from Circle State, and a resolution to add audio aspects to the resurgence, u And m Returned to the HPC.

Soon after returning to the Yamana, Poverty, the chief liason officer with the upper echelons of UNICOM, arrived for a business meeting. The meeting was joined by Executive Yano, one of the Circle State's substructure operatives. The Neko interfered with his operations. Though apparently an ally, the Neko appears to have its own objectives. A quasi-biological entity of suspected extraterrestrial origin, it requires consant refuelling and waste disposal. Executive Yano was irritated, yet remained calm. magpie Removed the Neko so he could conclude business with Poverty, who was surprised to learn that it was only he who Executive Yano had come to see. ubermarklar was relieved to learn this too, as dealings with Circle State operatives in the past have often been somewhat disorientating.

The meeting was concluded and magpie Left with Poverty to fulfil contractual obligations to UNICOM. ubermarklar posted misleading information on the KaoHon monoverse in keeping with the tradition of this 91st orbital sequence and was pleased to have fooled at least one other operative. Character is Destiny.

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